The Enquiry Agency may be a small agency but it possesses a wide outreach, thanks to many years of investigative experience and access to some of the best professionals in their respective fields.
We cover London and can operate across the UK or further afield.
The Enquiry Agency Ltd was set up following our Operations Director taking early retirement from his management role with the National Crime Agency, which was preceded by a career in criminal investigation.
Now, after a career spent conducting overt and covert undercover work in the UK and overseas, we can offer to the private sector those SIO (Senior Investigating Officer) skills acquired with the National Crime Agency (NCA), the Serious Organised Crime Agency (SOCA), the National Criminal Intelligence Service (NCIS), the National Crime Squad (NCS) and a variety of CID management roles with Covert Operations, Special Branch, Professional Standards, etc.
Our Operations Director's profile is here on LinkedIn:
We can guarantee that your dealings with us will be, and will remain, in total confidence.
We will give you an honest view on what we can help you with (indeed if we cannot assist or achieve your objectives we will tell you that too), what that is likely to cost you and what you will get out of our services.
It should go without saying, but after so many years on the side of the angels, we will not get involved with anything that we believe to be criminal or unethical, other than to perhaps simply warn you about the potential consequences.
© The Enquiry Agency Limited